Hello and welcome to Majiktouchradio!! The format is very simple. It's all about the music. I want your input too though. I'm preparing to go live at some point and so far, I've only been playing files from my library. Of course I would love to have 2,000,000,000,000 listeners and some....lol. But, that will take some time. I'm doing this all myself with no support from anyone in the industry, so I am in complete control. If you had your own station what would you want it to be like? I mean radio can be such a vast and diverse platform. I want to do some talk radio too where I interview people and discuss relevant topics. I just want to do something that's not restrictive and that allows people to speak freely. What are your thoughts? What would you like to hear? I have new and old school music, running 24/7. I will be adding a set time for an all Jazz as well as all Gospel time slots. I'm only advertising very lightly on Facebook. Do you think I should advertise elsewhere? I'm not using the station to generate income. I just want it to be about music and the people....not money. At some point I may ad a few sponsors, but it's truly no a priority. All I really need is for people to join the revolution and listen to what I'm offering for free. All you have to do is be a lover of music like me and you will enjoy benefits of no ads, no politics, era free, commercial free, music from one of your locally home grown, OG, Bull City DJs.
The Godfather Anthony DjMajik Rush Serving music to this city since 1977.